Solo Exhibition


Before you begin, read our Exhibition Application Instructions (PDF).

Please Note: ARC takes a 20% commission fee on works sold. So please price your work accordingly

STEP 1: Upload your images

  • Select 10 images you will submit. Images of accepted work may be used on ARC web site, social media, and promotional materials for publicity.

  • Label each image with: Last name, Item # of the image, Title of work, Medium, size and date. Separate with a dash. Example: daVinci-1-Mona Lisa-30x21x2”-1503. Number the images consecutively. 

  • Images must be submitted in JPG /JPEG format

  • If there is video work, include a still image of the video and the video clip of 2 minutes maximum

  • Videos must be submitted in MP4 / MOV format

  • Upload your images. They will go to a Dropbox file for review.

  • Once you are finished uploading files to Dropbox, close your Dropbox browser window. Then return to ARC’s website. 

STEP 2: Fill out the application

  • Click on “Apply & Pay Fees” 

  • Complete your personal information and address (be sure to enter your country or it won’t go forward)

  • Provide your proposal in the following sections

    • Artist Statement. Provide a recent artist’s statement of no more than 125 words that is relevant to the work being submitted. (This is not a bio.)

    • CV. Copy and paste your professional CV demonstrating at least 4 years of serious pursuit of a career in art. No more 2 pages.

    • Describe your exhibition. What do you envision as your solo exhibition? Limit to 200 words.

    • Exhibition Title.

    • Exhibition Statement. Provide a formal description of your exhibition as you would describe the concept for promotional materials.

    • Explain why you are seeking a solo exhibition at ARC and what this opportunity will mean to you, in 200 words.

    • References. Please provide the name, position/title, and email address of two professional references who can speak to your artwork. These references will not be contacted unless you are selected for an interview.

    • Confirm you uploaded your images to Dropbox by tapping “I uploaded my images”

    • Enter a label for your images.  Each should include: (a) item number; (b) title, (c) dimensions: height x width x depth, (d) mediums / materials, (e) date produced, and (f) price. Make sure you itemize your list to correlate to the #s on the images you submitted.

    • If you submitted video work, identify your artwork by listing: (a) item number; (b) title, (c) date produced. Make sure the item number in your image file name matches the item number you list in your description here.

    • If you submitted video work, you may also supply a link to a full length video

  • Click “Apply & Pay Fees”

STEP 3: Pay Fees

  • Click: “sign in”

  • Click either: “Apple pay” or “credit card”

  • Enter requested information

  • Click “continue”

  • Review information and click “Purchase”

  • Your application will not go through until you have clicked purchase.

  • If you have any payment issues, send an email message to the gallery:  We will sort it out for you. (Also we can refund payments that have gone awry, so don’t panic!). 

  • An email receipt will be sent by ARC Gallery after application and payment is completed 

  • Submissions will not be reviewed until payments are received 

QUESTIONS:  Please feel free to email the gallery with any questions. We are here to help. Our email address is:

Apply & Pay Fees

Before you begin, read our Exhibition Application Instructions (PDF).

Please Note: ARC takes a 20% commission fee on works sold. So please price your work accordingly

STEP 1: Upload your images

  • Select 10 images you will submit. Images of accepted work may be used on ARC web site, social media, and promotional materials for publicity.

  • Label each image with: Last name, Item # of the image, Title of work, Medium, size and date. Separate with a dash. Example: daVinci-1-Mona Lisa-30x21x2”-1503. Number the images consecutively. 

  • Images must be submitted in JPG /JPEG format

  • If there is video work, include a still image of the video and the video clip of 2 minutes maximum

  • Videos must be submitted in MP4 / MOV format

  • Upload your images. They will go to a Dropbox file for review.

  • Once you are finished uploading files to Dropbox, close your Dropbox browser window. Then return to ARC’s website. 

STEP 2: Fill out the application

  • Click on “Apply & Pay Fees” 

  • Complete your personal information and address (be sure to enter your country or it won’t go forward)

  • Provide your proposal in the following sections

    • Artist Statement. Provide a recent artist’s statement of no more than 125 words that is relevant to the work being submitted. (This is not a bio.)

    • CV. Copy and paste your professional CV demonstrating at least 4 years of serious pursuit of a career in art. No more 2 pages.

    • Describe your exhibition. What do you envision as your solo exhibition? Limit to 200 words.

    • Exhibition Title.

    • Exhibition Statement. Provide a formal description of your exhibition as you would describe the concept for promotional materials.

    • Explain why you are seeking a solo exhibition at ARC and what this opportunity will mean to you, in 200 words.

    • References. Please provide the name, position/title, and email address of two professional references who can speak to your artwork. These references will not be contacted unless you are selected for an interview.

    • Confirm you uploaded your images to Dropbox by tapping “I uploaded my images”

    • Enter a label for your images.  Each should include: (a) item number; (b) title, (c) dimensions: height x width x depth, (d) mediums / materials, (e) date produced, and (f) price. Make sure you itemize your list to correlate to the #s on the images you submitted.

    • If you submitted video work, identify your artwork by listing: (a) item number; (b) title, (c) date produced. Make sure the item number in your image file name matches the item number you list in your description here.

    • If you submitted video work, you may also supply a link to a full length video

  • Click “Apply & Pay Fees”

STEP 3: Pay Fees

  • Click: “sign in”

  • Click either: “Apple pay” or “credit card”

  • Enter requested information

  • Click “continue”

  • Review information and click “Purchase”

  • Your application will not go through until you have clicked purchase.

  • If you have any payment issues, send an email message to the gallery:  We will sort it out for you. (Also we can refund payments that have gone awry, so don’t panic!). 

  • An email receipt will be sent by ARC Gallery after application and payment is completed 

  • Submissions will not be reviewed until payments are received 

QUESTIONS:  Please feel free to email the gallery with any questions. We are here to help. Our email address is:

Before you begin, read our Exhibition Application Instructions (PDF).

Please Note: ARC takes a 20% commission fee on works sold. So please price your work accordingly

STEP 1: Upload your images

  • Select 10 images you will submit. Images of accepted work may be used on ARC web site, social media, and promotional materials for publicity.

  • Label each image with: Last name, Item # of the image, Title of work, Medium, size and date. Separate with a dash. Example: daVinci-1-Mona Lisa-30x21x2”-1503. Number the images consecutively. 

  • Images must be submitted in JPG /JPEG format

  • If there is video work, include a still image of the video and the video clip of 2 minutes maximum

  • Videos must be submitted in MP4 / MOV format

  • Upload your images. They will go to a Dropbox file for review.

  • Once you are finished uploading files to Dropbox, close your Dropbox browser window. Then return to ARC’s website. 

STEP 2: Fill out the application

  • Click on “Apply & Pay Fees” 

  • Complete your personal information and address (be sure to enter your country or it won’t go forward)

  • Provide your proposal in the following sections

    • Artist Statement. Provide a recent artist’s statement of no more than 125 words that is relevant to the work being submitted. (This is not a bio.)

    • CV. Copy and paste your professional CV demonstrating at least 4 years of serious pursuit of a career in art. No more 2 pages.

    • Describe your exhibition. What do you envision as your solo exhibition? Limit to 200 words.

    • Exhibition Title.

    • Exhibition Statement. Provide a formal description of your exhibition as you would describe the concept for promotional materials.

    • Explain why you are seeking a solo exhibition at ARC and what this opportunity will mean to you, in 200 words.

    • References. Please provide the name, position/title, and email address of two professional references who can speak to your artwork. These references will not be contacted unless you are selected for an interview.

    • Confirm you uploaded your images to Dropbox by tapping “I uploaded my images”

    • Enter a label for your images.  Each should include: (a) item number; (b) title, (c) dimensions: height x width x depth, (d) mediums / materials, (e) date produced, and (f) price. Make sure you itemize your list to correlate to the #s on the images you submitted.

    • If you submitted video work, identify your artwork by listing: (a) item number; (b) title, (c) date produced. Make sure the item number in your image file name matches the item number you list in your description here.

    • If you submitted video work, you may also supply a link to a full length video

  • Click “Apply & Pay Fees”

STEP 3: Pay Fees

  • Click: “sign in”

  • Click either: “Apple pay” or “credit card”

  • Enter requested information

  • Click “continue”

  • Review information and click “Purchase”

  • Your application will not go through until you have clicked purchase.

  • If you have any payment issues, send an email message to the gallery:  We will sort it out for you. (Also we can refund payments that have gone awry, so don’t panic!). 

  • An email receipt will be sent by ARC Gallery after application and payment is completed 

  • Submissions will not be reviewed until payments are received 

QUESTIONS:  Please feel free to email the gallery with any questions. We are here to help. Our email address is:

Call for Entry Application
from $30.00