Sarah Kaiser

The work in Sarah Kaiser's exhibit, Permeable Boundaries, is about boundaries--both physical and psychological. Kaiser depicts metaphorical objects such as wires, traffic cones, fences, curtains, and nests in order to signify the psychological boundaries that exist between people. Barbed wires are metaphors for the imaginary lines that define blended families. Often, roles aren't clearly defined, which can lead to confusion.

Traffic cones are often used to keep motorists out of a specific area. They symbolize a desire to remove oneself from environments with narcissistic and controlling people.

Boundaries have a great deal to do with accepting limits in familial situations. Through these paintings, Kaiser is examining the limits that she is encountering and trying to assert. They are permeable because they are not always clear.

Opening Reception, Friday, April 1 from 6:00-9:00

Sarah Kaiser, Monica J. Brown and Michael Fischerkeller interpret the ideas of psychological transformation and social consciousness.

  • Exhibition dates: March 30 - April 23, 2016 
  • Gallery hours: Wed to Sat 12-6 pm, and Sun. 12-4 pm  

Monica J. Brown


Northern Illinois University - MFA Candidates Exhibit