Ruti Modlin

"'Round the Block: Prints & Paintings"                  Opening  Fri.  April 28,  6-9pm

Modlin's latest work is a dialogue between her large woodcut prints and her paintings. An eventful family wedding inspired the subject for this body of work. The palette is muted, emulating the hand-colored prints. his exhibit features Canopy, a series of 3 large woodcut prints: Canopy I, II, and III and the paintings: A Bunch, Tango a Deux, Bride, Just Married, Let Them Eat, and Her Shoes.


Opening:     Friday April 28  from 6-9pm

Exhibition dates:     April 26 - May 20, 2017

Gallery hours:     Wed-Sat 12-6pm    Sunday 12-4pm


Angela A. McElwain


NIU MFA Exhibition