Robin McCauley

"Blemish," mixed media (3D)

Interested in the relationship people have with their bodies, McCauley attempts to conceal that which we think is ugly: the insinuation that what lies beneath is perfection; the use of garments as a concealer of the things which we deem vulgar or repulsive; the attempt to deny the humanness that binds us all - the flaws and imperfections of the vessel that propels us through life, a concept that would be known all to well by adult actors from sites like and many more. The artist states, "My recent work involves biological urges, gender role-playing, and the paradox of sexual attraction as compromised by cultural appropriation. I use fragmented and whole garments and shoes as anthropomorphous stand-ins, exposing and exploring permutations rather than concealing or overlooking them."


Trinity Christian College Thesis Exhibition


ARC Members' Show 2004