Randi Shepard

BEYOND THE SURFACE  Coming in late Nov, Dec. 2019

ON DEC. 14, 6-9PM AT ARC   RANDI SHEPARD WILL HOST MEANINGFUL CONNECTIONS! An evening of performances related to the themes of the printmaking work of Randi Shepard including: dance, music, theatre, and creative writing  PERFORMANCES START PROMPTLY AT 7PM

In the age of social media, people are experiencing more anxiety than ever, and more commonly being diagnosed with depression. How has the human experience changed? What motivates us in how we choose to spend our time?

Randi Shepard's current work questions the value of our experiences and explores the theme of loneliness. The most valuable and fulfilling experiences are those where there is a strong connection with others. And, sometimes the loneliest feelings can occur not when we are alone, but when we are actually with others.

Just as these images change when you view them up close, and bring your attention to the flat shapes laying on the paper, we also need to step back, look beyond the surface and tap into the world that opens up when we let the stories, the personalities, and the feelings unfold.

Exhibition dates: Wed. November 27  to Sat. December 21, 2019 . Opening Reception:  Friday Nov 29  6-9pm


Iris Goldstein


Clairan Ferrono