ARC Gallery

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Poetic Dialogue Project 2005

Ten award-winning women poets from throughout the country wrote poetry in response to the visual art of 22 women artists from ARC Gallery, Chicago.  The Poetic Dialogue Project 2005, curated by artist Beth Shadur, is the second collaboration of ARC artists with women poets.Visual artists from ARC Gallery in the exhibition are: Granite Amit, Kina Bagovska, Nancy Charak, Esther Charbit, Laura Ann Cloud, Kathleen Dugan, Ana Fernandez, Iris Goldstein, Kristina Gosh, Carolyne King, Lynnette Mohill, Cheri Reif Naselli, Patricia Otto, Judith Ross, Charlotte Segal, Beth Shadur, Michele Stutts, Danielle Togtman, Mirjana Ugrinov, Kelly Weime, Chiyeko Yuki, and Amy Zucker.The poets from California, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Wisconsin, and Illinois responded to the visual works with ekphrasis, defined to denote poetry or poetic writing concerning itself with the visual arts or artistic objects. The poetry in this exhibition follows that tradition by using poetic expression to create visual images inspired by the works of 22 contemporary artists. Poets participating in the event are Amy Quan Barry, Jan Beatty, Robin Behn, LR Berger, Lucia Cordell Getsi, Beckian Fritz Goldberg, Lois Roma-Deeley, Margaret Rozga, Maurya Simon, and Judith Vollmer.A poetry reading at ARC Gallery and Educational Foundation will be held on Saturday, November 5th, 4-6 PM. Suggested donation: $10.00, students $5.00