ARC Gallery

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Michele Stutts 

Show ran from 9/3/2014 to 9/27/2014

Join us for our Opening: Friday, Sept. 5 from 6-9 pm

For the first time in her 20 plus years as an artist, Stutts has left behind her usual hand-painted decorative marks that have been known to soften the edges of hard to digest subject matter. Instead, she has created a series of assemblage pieces for her upcoming show Beaudeadful that consists of found objects and animal remains. Whether forged by humans or born of nature, both media once had a purpose in life before being abandoned, or left to nature's tidings. Despite their course, each has retained its beauty, strength, and intricate form. Stutts' fascination with rescuing and combining objects that have unlikely and unnatural relationships with one another creates a new energy. Defining that energy is up to the eye of the beholder.