ARC Gallery

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Michael Fischerkeller

Embracing the rebellious undertone of street art, Michael Fischerkeller captures a shared social conscience to offer truths of increasingly complex and significant socio-political issues of our time.  Social justice and minimalism drive his creative process resulting in stark yet elegant artwork encouraging all to critically view their world, focus on what is habitually overlooked, face what may be uncomfortable truths, and act to improve their and others'  lives.  In his exhibit, The Art of Politics, Fischerkeller pairs the decidedly contemporary medium of acrylic spray paint with imagery from centuries-old artwork. His medium is a voice of the "street" - communities most often and most severely deprived of social justice - and his imagery is from artworks generally commissioned or acquired by their era's social elite, a fitting population from which to appropriate today in the service of socially-conscious artwork.

Opening Reception, Friday, April 1 from 6:00-9:00

Sarah Kaiser, Monica J. Brown and Michael Fischerkeller interpret the ideas of psychological transformation and social consciousness.

  • Exhibition dates: March 30 - April 23, 2016 
  • Gallery hours: Wed to Sat 12-6 pm, and Sun. 12-4 pm