Diana Simon

In her comprehensive exhibit, Diana More Simon, Diana Simon demonstrates that she is an admirer of the ordinary, of the common. She feels a sense of community with her subject matter, making her work very personal.

The human form can be glorious and ugly, graceful and vulgar. The figures in Simon's works are not idealized and therefore too unattractive for some viewers to admire. None the less, their vulnerability and humanity often makes them larger than life and heroic. Whatever the subject matter, she approaches with respect and candor.

In addition, her landscapes are not just settings waiting to be inhabited, rather they are the result of human presence.

Every act of viewing brings a new edition of a piece. The visual baggage we all carry with us brings an involuntary concept to each spectator. She welcomes the diverse response her work elicits.    

Opening Reception, Friday, May 27 from 6-9pm  

Exhibition dates: May 25 - June 18, 2016Gallery hours: Wed to Sat 12-6 pm, and Sun. 12-4 pm  


Amy Zucker


Iris Goldstein