Adult Day Services

Show ran from 7/4/2000 to 7/29/2000

Ralitza Vladimirov and senior artists, mixed media

Over 50 artists from CJE Adult Day Care Center present their art works created during art therapy studio/group sessions from the last 2 months.  The exhibit is under the title "A Walk through Our World" and is inspired by a need of discovery of the inner self through the uniqueness of art.  the art works have been created with influence of other arts such as dance/movement, music and drama.  Every little piece has so much to say if you open yourselves to see it, feel it or hear it.  The message is: "open your hearts, let the spirit guide you in the journey of life, do not stop looking for the truth, because that's the way to find it...!"


Jewel Castro


Helen Ziga