CALL FOR ENTRIES: "Not Just Drawing: A Line With Intent"
In March 2018, ARC will present "Not Just Drawing: A Line With Intent"Prospectus and application formWe are looking for a creative consideration of the use of a line.What is intent? What is the underlying driving purpose or “thought-framework” for making a mark or image on a surface or in a space? Can “intent” include the intention of having no intent? How much does habit, convention or chance dictate our action and how much comes from an original and personal sense of expressed understanding? How much comes from the unconscious or irrational fabric of our experience? Are there other ways to make a line than with a #2 pencil?This exhibition will be juried by F.David Reif, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Univ. Wyoming. BFA, Painting, Drawing, Printmaking, The Art Institute of Chicago, MFA, Sculpture, Yale University. All media considered.The juror will choose 3 honorary awards including "Best of Show" that will be posted in the exhibit and listed on the ARC website.Check out the prospectus and application form here.